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Peru Team Update #6

Hola Mis Amigos!!!

We came…We saw…We Machu Picchu’d!!!

What an incredible day!!!  This morning started with a 4am wake up call and some unhappy students.  It’s almost as if waking up this early is unnatural for them…

We had a beautiful drive through the mountains and into the Sacred Valley.  We had a 2 hour bus ride to the train station.  Then we quickly jumped on the train and rode through the beautiful mountains to the city of Machu Picchu.  Then we hopped on another bus and took that to the main entrance of MP.  We split into two groups and got to tour the Incan city on top of the mountains.  It was a little rainy and overcast, but it was still beautiful.  After our tour, a group of us hiked higher up to the Sungate…pics to follow.

Our day ended with some much needed dinner at a pizza restaurant in the downtown area and then the long ride home.  It’s off to bed and then we will begin the journey home.  We can’t wait to share all that God has done!

Team Alpaca!