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Blue Skies Update #1

It was a fun filled day at BlueSkies, where we have the privilege of serving families who have a child with Cancer.

We met all the families last night, as they arrived, but really got to know them today.We started the day off with Chapel with the families, where we talked about resting in God, and reminding them that “You’re the one that Jesus loves”…all while over looking the beach and eating donuts!

After Chapel, Pastor Brent and Amanda spent time with the parents allowing them to have a safe place to connect and share their stories.  Meanwhile, their kids connected with all our volunteers in the pool, playing sports, and doing LEGOs.

The afternoon turned into a pool party with a huge water gun fight, followed by Italian night with Red Carpet welcome. Then it was off to the beach to see God’s glory on display with a beautiful sunset.

It was a fun day and the group is starting to relax and connect, and the families are experiencing rest and love.

Tomorrow we head to the beach for a full day with all the Blue Skies Families.  Please continue to pray for them, their journeys are hard, and hope is sometimes lost…but God is pursuing them and He is not finished!

Pictured here is Ziggy, a 9 year old with Leukemia, and his brother Lahni, first time ever at the beach, and loving it!