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Blue Skies #5

WHAT A DAY! (see the end for the best part!)  It was a beautiful morning at Port St. Joe, we started by drinking coffee, eating donuts, and overlooking the ocean as we had our last Chapel of the week.  Pastor Brent talked about Responding to God, whether it be to surrender life to Jesus, get baptized, or maybe just take the next faithful step in following Him.
We ended chapel with serving and receiving communion with our host families, it was a beautiful sight and very emotional.
We had to move most of our activities inside for the day, as thunderstorms rolled through, but that was ok for most of the families, it had been a busy week, and everyone was tired.
The guest families participated in their last Kindred Journey meeting, and it was very powerful. God is moving and showing up in the midst of their challenges in major ways. He is not finished yet!
We did our final goodbyes and send off to the guest families. We cannot describe how much we have come to love them.  They are now family!
Then we headed to the beach for 2 SUNSET BAPTISMS! 2 of our youth volunteers, Thomas and Savannah responded to God’s pursuit of them by surrendering their life to Him and desiring to be baptized TODAY! Praise God for our growing faith family!
They told us before we came, that this was going to be the “best week ever”, well I think they might just be right!