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Cambodia Update #1

By July 15, 2018July 17th, 2018Cambodia, Mission Trips

Hey everyone!!! The past two days have been so awesome! Yesterday we were able to learn new songs and dances from the kids that made us feel like we were back in kindergarten in the best possible way. We acted silly and as Matt Hambrick likes to say “if you’re not embarrassed you’re doing it wrong”. We worked with pastor Paul, his son, and friends to minister to two groups of kids; one in a neighborhood-like area, and one by a set of train tracks. The kids were so on fire for Jesus and their faces lit up with every song sung and every story told. They loved getting to see us silly Americans try and speak Khmer and when the Matts faced off to see who was “prettier”. It’s crazy to believe that there really are children living and playing in slums along train tracks while in the shadow of high-rise buildings, but it is real, and it is heartbreaking.
This morning (while you were sleeping), we got to split up and go to a total of four church services where we were blessed to see the people of Cambodia worshiping God in their own ways. Even when you cannot understand what is being said, it’s so cool to see the reactions of the congregation when the Word is shared. We also got to see the cutest little kids put on several performances for us, we watched with smiles plastered on our faces.
Our team is already so bonded, even though half of us have been in Southeast Asia for a month already. We have had a blast joking about looks, cheese, and Canadian accents. Jokes aside, we’ve also been intent on encouraging one another both as we serve here and in our walks with Jesus. We can’t wait to see how else the Lord works this week, much love from Cambodia!!!
– Tara and Madelyn


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