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Day 22

By November 14, 2018SeedOffering

For as the soil makes the sprout come up
    and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
    and praise spring up before all nations. (Isaiah 61:11)

In this passage, Isaiah foretells deliverance from captivity. He delivers the message of hope. It is promised that the destruction once caused by man would be restored. Righteousness and salvation is the eternal business in God’s kingdom.

This passage is not expressing a day of glory that bursts forth with joy and triumph for a day or a week, then too quickly comes to an end. This righteousness that clothes His bride is eternal salvation and righteousness that spreads throughout generations and distant nations. Isaiah expresses the hope of the bride. Despite her actions and idols, God is her rescuer, her hope. This is divine grace. How are you living in the rhythms of His grace?

Praise God today! Speak adoration to Him for rescuing you; praise Him for the hope in which you live. Ask God to give you the ability to receive today, to rest in His unending grace. Ask God to love extravagantly today, and to do it through you.

“Heaven will be full of the songs of worshipers who had once been broken people in a broken world, picked up and used for God’s glory.” —Louie Giglio

Prayer Focus: Life Group Sowers

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