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Week 1

By October 28, 2018November 17th, 2018Generous Orthodoxy, Uncategorized

10.28.18 Not about Preference (1 Corinthians 13)

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 13 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in the text?
  2. In your own words define the Great Commission. In what specific ways is the Great Commission being lived out in your life today?
  3. We have been freed from exile. What’s the greatest temptation in creating your own Promise Land existence? How are you learning to let go of your desire to control your own Promise Land?
  4. Read and reflect Eugene Peterson’s comments about consumeristic Christianity.
    “A consumeristic church is a church without Christ.
     “A consumeristic church is an anti-Christ church.”
    In what ways do you agree with Peterson? How do we ensure Sanctuary doesn’t become consumeristic? Is it a leadership issue, a staff issue, or a people issue, or something else? Describe.
  5. 1 Corinthians 13 is a livable reality. In what relationships do you fully live into the reality of 1 Corinthians 13?
  6. Where do you struggle most in receiving this livable reality of 1 Corinthians 13?
  7. What does Generous Orthodoxy look like in your everyday, ordinary life?
  8. L. Johnson said, “The observance of the truths of this chapter (1 Corinthians 13)….would have solved all their (the Corinthians’) problems.” What’s the hardest part of believing that statement? What do you do with the tension this raises?
  9. D. Walt said, So why do our missional activities in the world lack the irresistible magnetism of Jesus? In a word: love. It’s easy enough to love helping people. It’s another thing to love people…Helping people tends to make us feel worthwhile. Loving people makes them feel worthwhile. We all know we can help people without truly loving them, but it’s impossible to love them without helping them.
    Describe a time when you fell into this kind of dynamic. What was the outcome of helping people vs. loving them? As a first step in loving, what is one belief that you might need to change or let go?
  10. Read Galatians 6.2. How is this text livable reality in your life today? Whose burdens are you carrying? Who is carrying yours? Describe the beauty of the mutuality you are experiencing.
  11. Learn the context of Galatians 5.6 – For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. How might your life be enriched of this Biblical love was the only thing that counted?
  12. What’s a next step from working through this study? Where might God be calling you to express His love?


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