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Harvest is Plentiful | Matthew 9.35

By August 12, 2018March 12th, 2019Sowing for a Great Awakening

1. Read Matthew 9 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in the story?

2. In the text, what was it that caused so many people to come to Jesus? What were they looking for from Him?

3. When you come to church, read your Bible, or do a devotional like this, what is your truest motive?

4. As you examine the people in the story, with whom do you most see yourself? How is Jesus engaging you right where you are?

  • Paralyzed Man
  • Men bringing the Paralyzed Man
  • Matthew the Hated Tax Collector
  • One of Matthew’s Friends at the Party
  • The Woman Who’s been Searching for aCure for 12 Years
  • Synagogue Ruler Looking for a Resurrection
  • Pharisees who didn’t like any of this
  • Disciples who Committed to Following Jesus,
  • Other Spectators along the Way

5. Jesus had “compassion” on them because they were “harassed and helpless.” What’s your best definition of compassion? How is compassion demonstrated in this story?

6. Describe a time when you felt “harassed and helpless, like a sheep without a Shepherd. How did Jesus show compassion toward you? How is Jesus showing compassion toward you today?

7. How do you see this text as being a potential starting point for the Church?

8. How does Jesus instruct His disciples to pray? How is the prayer answered?

9. In thinking about our call to travail in prayer and now to sow for a great awakening, what is the present implication for you?

10. What’s the difference between a disciple and an apostle? Where do you find yourself in this delineation?

11. Where do you sense you are being sent? To whom, when, where, why?

12. How do you see the harvest being made ready in your neighborhood? What’s your role in bringing in the harvest?

13. Review Psalm 126.5-6. What’s the implication of these verses in​ your life today?