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Abide | John 15.1-8 | Acts 2

By August 26, 2018March 12th, 2019Sowing for a Great Awakening

1. Read John 15 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in the story?

2. Describe a season in your life defined by abiding?

3. How practically do we abide in Jesus?

4. In what ways have you experienced “apart from Jesus you can do nothing.”

5. Our Faith Family seems pretty excited about “sowing for a great awakening.” In order for our neighborhood to be awakened,​ we are relying on God to move in and through our hearts into the hearts of those around us. Wouldn’t it be much easier if we could control the powers of awakening? How is not being able to control change actually changing you?

6. There is an “if” and “then” type progression in John 15. Describe.

7. In the last week, how has God’s Word been abiding in you?

8. Reread Isaiah 55.10-12. Note all the ways of God’s participation in awakening.

9. How have you witnessed God’s Word not returning empty? Are there relationships where you have planted seeds yet it appears they are empty? How do you wait patiently on His Word to bear fruit?

10. How are you experiencing fruit being produced in the places where you live, work, attend class, or play?

11. Read Isaiah 60. Summarize the passage using five words.

12. Read John 12.23-24. In what ways are you dying and yet experiencing new life?

13. What precipitates awakening? Give an example from your own experience.

14. Read Acts 2. Note at least five elements of awakening.

15. How do you see Peter as one who has been awakened? What died in him in order for fruit to be produced through him?

16. Read and reflect on John 15.7. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

17. If you abide in Him, and His Word abides in you, ask. What will you ask for? Who will join you in your prayer? How will you live while you pray?