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Blessed are the Peacemakers (Matt 5.9)

By April 7, 2019April 14th, 2019Kingdom Manifesto, Uncategorized

1. What are some examples in our world of our desire for peace?
2. What is a space in your life today where you desire to experience peace?
3. Read Matthew 5:8-10. How are these three beatitudes connected to each other?
4. How would you describe the difference between a peacekeeper and a peacemaker? Why do you think that Jesus says that peacemakers are blessed?
5. Read Jeremiah 6:13-15. God speaks strongly in this passage about those who say “peace, peace when there is no peace.” Why is it tempting for us to smooth over the conflict in order to keep the peace instead of doing the work necessary to make peace?
6. Jesus was our example as the ultimate peacemaker. Read Romans 5:8-11. How do these verses encourage you and challenge you as a peacemaker?
7. On Sunday we looked at four characteristics of a peacemaker. A peacemaker: 1) Begins by looking inward (James 3:17-18) 2) Does not force peace (Romans 12:16-18) 3) Sacrifices for peace (Matthew 5:43-45) 4) Points to the ultimate peacemaker (Colossians 1:19-20)
8. Which of these characteristics is hardest for you to live out in your life?
9. Peacemaking is not a peaceful business. It cost Jesus His life and will cost us as well. How do the words of Jesus in John 14:25-27 empower and encourage you?
10. The promise associated with being a peacemaker in Matthew 5:9, is that we would be called sons of God. Where is your Heavenly Father inviting you into being a peacemaker today?
11. Spend some time praying that God would open your eyes to where He desires for you to make peace in your life this week. Praise God for the peacemaker that Jesus is and the reconciliation that He has made possible between you and God.