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Cambodia July Trip Update Day 1

It’s Friday night here in Cambodia. One week in for me and 4 for Tara. Our Irish friend Nigel joined us Tueday and we’ve spent the week together. Who is Nigel? He is this guy from Northern Ireland who I met in Venezuela about 8-10 years ago. He lives a missionary life. I love him dearly and getting to spend almost 2 weeks with him is like this amazing great thing.


The highlight of the week was probably Tuesday, we spent most of it at the dumpsite. Highlight- yeah kinda weird, but it is hard and fun all at the same time. Imagine a dump where people (adults, kids, everyone) pick through the trash to find plastic, metal, etc. they can sell to the recyclers. They live, work, go to school, and church in the middle of this mess…

But in the middle of the filth I think we get to see Jesus in face of the kids. For whatever reason, this might be my favorite place in Cambodia.

Second place might have been a house church Thursday. We sat on the floor, sang songs, had a Bible study and Tara told the story of getting here.

Matt and Steve are on the way from Korea. The second leg of the journey which will complete almost 21 hours in the air for them. The will be tired and messed up from the time change, lack of sleep, and time in an airplane. Pray for them.

Tomorrow we let Steve and Matt sleep a little late and then visit the Killing Fields- the Choeung Ek Genocide Center. It is really the Auswitch of Cambodia. It is awful and terrible and I don’t even want to go near there again. This country is dominated by the murder of 25% (yes that number is correct) of its’ population in the late 1970’s. You just can’t imagine…but you need to see it to begin to understand this place and tomorrow we will take Steve and Nigel. Prayers really are appreciated.

From ½ a world away…Tara and Matt Hambrick, Nigel Burrows


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