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1 Corinthians 1:8-9 God’s Faithfulness to His Called

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1.1-9 incarnationally. How do these verses encourage you? How do they challenge you?

2. Where specifically are you learning to see life differently because of the Gospel? How does this new perspective change the way you pray, the way you worship, the way you love?

3. What’s one area in your life where you desire to see more clearly through the Gospel?

4. Where do you see God at work in your life?

5. How are you growing in your identity as a “saint”? What, if anything, is changing in you or through you?

6. Read John 13.1. What confidence does it bring you, knowing that God will “love you to the end?”

7. Paul writes that you are blameless. “Without accusation.” How is this truth a livable reality for you today? Where is it not?

8. John MacArthur said, “grace and guilt cannot co-exist.” How often do you struggle with guilt? What’s the root of this struggle? How is this truth becoming a livable reality for you? How could your Faith Family advocate for you in living in your truest identity as a Christ-follower?

9. Is it possible to fully forgive someone else, if you haven’t fully received forgiveness yourself? Explain.

10. How is God inviting you into deeper “fellowship” with Him? How does forgiveness foster an even deeper intimacy to be realized?

11. Read 1 Thess. 5.23-24, Philippians 1.6, and Jude 1.23-24. How do these verses encourage you? Who is doing the work? How are you partnering with Him as He is at work in you and through you?

12. Pray Philippians 1.8-10. Allow it’s truth to rest on you.

The Bible Project – 1 Corinthians