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1 Corinthians 1:10-12 Following the Message, Not

By September 1, 2019September 2nd, 20191 Corinthians, Uncategorized

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1.1-12 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this text?

2. How are you sensing God’s mercy and grace?

3. The book of Corinthians deals with five major problems in the church. The first problem Paul deals with is disunity. Why does he start here?

4. Define unity in your family. What would unity look like, and sound like, and feel like, if you experienced the oneness of unity in your family?

5. How often do you settle for disunity? How often do you perpetuate disunity by not engaging the problem?

6. On what basis does Paul appeal to the Corinthians?

7. Jesus is the highest level of authority in all things. Review the previous 10 verses. Circle all the times you see the Name of Jesus mentioned. What’s Paul communicating here?

8. Read 1 Corinthians 12.24-26. How does Paul describe unity in this text? How have you experienced unity in this same manner in our Faith Family? How have you not experienced it here?

9. What is the basis of “oneness?” Is it belief, behavior, doctrine, concern and care?

10. Read Romans 1.5-7. How does this text help you in your understanding of unity? What is one way you might lean into this being a livable reality?

11. Read Psalm 133. Why is this text so important to the people of Israel? What are the symbolic meanings referenced here?

12. How important is unity to you? How are you actively cultivating unity in our Faith Family?

13. What can we learn from the house church meeting in Chloe’s home? (11)

14. Who is a fearless truth teller in your life? In whose life are you free to speak truth in love?

15. There was a schism in the church because people were playing favorites. Read verse 12. What kinds of problems do you think this kind of “following” can produce?

16. What’s the issue with someone saying, “We don’t need accountability, or community, or the church, we have Christ.”

17. How dangerous is it to live as a Christian and not be a part of a local church? Explain.

18. How do you engage styles or stories that are different than yours in our Faith Family?

19. What do you do when you don’t resonate with worship, or teaching, or styles? Give the most recent example of how you moved toward unity.

20. Read John 17.22-23. Unity is so important to Jesus that He prays for unity. What exactly does He pray for and what’s the outcome of our unity in Christ?