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1 Corinthians 2.6-10 Seeing Christ as the Lord of Glory

Read John 4-16 incarnationally.
Where do you find yourself in this text?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit? What is His role in your life? Use three words to characterize your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says it’s better for us if He leaves so we can receive the Holy Spirit. How is this better?

Read Galatians 6.4-7. What does it mean to you to be “God’s child?” What rights are bestowed on the children of God? How does the Spirit foster this kind of relationship with your Father?

If the Holy Spirit were to narrate a part of your present story, what would He say?

Read and reflect on the paraphrase from The Divine Conspiracy Continued.
“Listen, there is no “then” or “when” in God’s Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is at work right here, right now bringing all things together under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. His reign is current, progressing, maturity reality, which means Jesus rules today…not your darkness, not the darkness of the broken relationships. Jesus. Jesus is the one who sits on the throne of the cosmos, and all authority, over all things, has been given to Him (Matthew 25.31; 28.18). God is the God of all humanity (Jeremiah 32.27) God rules today through His Son, Jesus, the King, and He rules over everyone and everything – not just Christians or religious organizations. He is the King of Kings, the rule of rulers (Revelation 1.5) and the dominion of His Spirit extends to every corner and crevice of the universe at this very moment – a fact that even the demons appears to understand perfectly well (Mark 1.24, 5.7; James 2.19). The Kingdom has come, and there is more to come. Thanks be to God.”

How are you comforted by the Truth that the Holy Spirit’s work is personal and intimate, and global at the same time?

How do you “stay in step with the Spirit” in your everyday, ordinary life with God?

Read 1 Corinthians 2.6-10.
In your own words define the “maturity” Paul describes in verse 6.

Describe how you are growing in maturity. Give two examples.

Where does the world find its wisdom? How do you discern wisdom?

Read Isaiah 55.8-9. How does this verse comfort you? How does it challenge you?

What’s the ultimate role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer? How do you see the Spirit’s work as an eternal work, not just an immediate work? How are you seeing the Spirit more than a person who just nudges you now and again toward truth? How is He speaking to you, leading you, loving you today?