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1 Corinthians 3.10-15 What Church Will You Build For Your City

By October 29, 20191 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 3.10-15 incarnationally. How is this text speaking to you?

What similarities do you notice between Corinth and Cobb County? 

Where are you experiencing awakening? Where do you long to experience awakening? Who is travailing in prayer with you to experience awakening? 

Why does Paul want the Corinthians to have a physical place for them all to gather? 

What’s the primary reason for you participating in the Sanctuary Faith Family? 

How has this Family helped grow you toward maturity in Christ? 

Read Ephesians 2.19-22. How do you sense Christ as the Chief cornerstone of your life?

Read Exodus 25.1-8. Why does God want the Israelites to build a physical church? Who was asked to give? How were they asked to give? How are you growing in your desire to invest financially in the work of the church? 

John Ortberg says, “The only worship that really matters is costly worship.” How do you resonate or push back from that statement? How is your worship “costly”?

Read Matthew 6.19-21. How are you living out these words of Jesus? Where’s your greatest struggle in fully storing up “treasures in heaven?” 

The people of Israel had to be told to “stop” bringing their gifts to the Temple. How does their response inspire you? 

How might God be leading you to respond to what God is doing in our church? What tension do you sense within your spirit? How might God use this as a dynamic of spiritual transformation in your life?