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1 Corinthians 7.17-24

By February 16, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 7.17-24 incarnationally. What resonates most deeply with you? 

What’s the overall message of this text? What’s the primary implication for you? 

What does it look like for you to “remain” as you are, where you are? 

Read John 15.1-17. What is Jesus inviting His disciples to experience? 

How have you seen growth in your life by “remaining?” 

When have you sensed a missed opportunity by “leaving?” 

For the last several weeks we’ve considered “Seeing all of life through the Gospel.” Of the recent topics, which has been most challenging for you to see through the Gospel? 

How do you see yourself through the Gospel? 

In your own words, define contentment. 

Read Philippians 4.10-12. 

What is Paul’s “secret” of being content in any and every situation?

On Sunday, we reviewed a few questions from Sanctuary’s DMD material. Where did you find yourself when considering the following: 

Describe your contentment quotient in the following areas: 

Physical health—weight, fitness, body image 

Financial—salary, tithing, debt, material possessions

Relational—deep friendships, intimacy, authenticity, sex life with spouse

Spiritual—living in God’s love and grace; being conformed to His image

Read 1 Timothy 6.6-11. Using an example from your own life, describe “godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Reread 1 Corinthians 7.23. How are people in our neighborhood being enslaved? 

What is the role of Sanctuary in freeing people from this kind of slavery? 

How have you experienced freedom from the slavery of our culture? 

Craig Groeschel said, “Envy is resenting God’s goodness in other people’s lives and ignoring His goodness in your own.” How does this statement resonate with you? How does it challenge you? How does it encourage you? 

Read Colossians 1.15-22; Galatians 2.20; Ephesians 1.3-10; and Jude 1.24-25. In light of the Gospel, how does God see you? 

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