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July 19 Discussion Questions – Flourishing: Life in the Spirit – Faithfulness

By July 19, 2020Flourishing

Read Galatians 5.13-26. How do you sense the fruit of the Spirit growing in you? Describe what it looks like to “walk in the Spirit.” Describe the alternative, “walking in the flesh.” 

Read and reflect on the following passages of Scripture and respond to who each encourages or challenges you. Psalm 119.90; 2 Thessalonians 3.3; 1 Corinthians 10.13; 2 Timothy 2.13. 

What other passages of Scripture declare the faithfulness of God most personally? 

Faithfulness in the Greek is defined with two words, “reliability” and “trustworthiness.” How do these two words expand or narrow your understanding of faithfulness? 

Read Luke 7.36-50. Where do you find yourself in this text? Where do you see faithfulness? Where do you see faithlessness? 

What exactly does Jesus mean when He says, “Your faith has saved you?” Be specific in your answer. 

In response to the text and Jesus’ words, “your faith has saved you” Father Greg Boyle says, “I don’t think faith has anything to do with a belief, or allegiance or adherence to a set of beliefs or a belief system…rather, a choosing to be anchored in holy love to be tethered to a sustaining God – and because of that love – not even the least bit shaky about our own unshakable goodness.” Father Greg Boyle (paraphrased)

Reflect on Father Boyle’s comments. Do you agree that this is what faithfulness looks like? What gives you hesitation in this definition? 

If Father Boyle’s definition is accurate, what would this mean for you? What would faithfulness look like for you? What would change in you or around you? 

Read Lamentations 3.19-26. How and when have you resonated most deeply with this text? How specifically have you experienced God’s faithfulness in a season of wandering and wondering? 

What does Scripture say God is faithful to do? Note the references for each action of our Faithful God. 

Read Revelation 19.11-16. How does this passage bring you hope? 

Give God praise for His faithfulness. 

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