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July 26 Discussion Questions – Flourishing: Life in the Spirit – Gentleness

By July 26, 2020Flourishing

Read Galatians 2.20. In your own words, describe what this verse means for your life today. 

Read Galatians 5.22-26. How do you see this text build on the foundation of Galatians 2.20?

The Scofield Bible notes, “Christian character is not mere moral or legal correctness, but the possession and manifestation of the graces of v. 22-23. Taken together they present a moral portrait of Christ, and may be understood as the apostle’s explanation of 2:20.” How do you see this as truth in your life today? 

Gentleness is defined this way, “acquiescence to authority and consideration of others.” Who in your life best exemplifies this Christ quality of gentleness? 

Describe gentleness in the world before Jesus came.

Think about the life and character of Christ. Note one or two examples from His life where He gentleness was best expressed. 

Read Isaiah 42.1-4 and Matthew 12.18-21. Note the fulfillment of Scripture here. 

Read Matthew 11.28-30. How does Jesus describe Himself in this invitation to you? 

When you think about Jesus, how do you see Him as gentle and tender? 

In what one way has Jesus been gentle toward you? 

Read James 3.17-18. What’s the implication of these verses for every Christ follower? 

Where is our world today most devoid of gentleness? Where in your world do you sense a deep need for gentleness?

Read Ephesians 4.2. What’s the implication of this verse for every Christ follower? 

Give God praise for His gentle love toward you today. 

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