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1 Corinthians 15.1-11

By November 1, 20201 Corinthians

Read Isaiah 61:1-3 and Luke 4:14-21 – When you think about this year, where can you see the Lord’s favor amidst all the chaos and challenges?

Read Colossians 1:17-20 – What stands out to you about Jesus in this passage?  Is there a part of this passage that you struggle to grasp or fully believe in?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-3 – When you think about the Gospel what do you think of? How do you “take your stand” in it?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 – When you think about the resurrection of Jesus, how do you think about how it impacts you today?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:9 – Have you ever felt unworthy, undeserving, or disqualified from God’s love and forgiveness? Or the love and forgiveness of others? Or even from forgiving yourself?  

How did you come to a place of healing there?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:10 – Is it easy/difficult for you to say, “By the grace of God, I am what I am”, and being ok right where you are in your journey with God?

Have you ever been Baptized? If so, how did you come to that decision? 

How would you describe your resurrection story?