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February 14, 2021: Prayer in the Spirit | Romans 8

Is there a place in your life where are you losing hope? Is there someone or a situation where you feel like you are losing hope in?

How do you respond internally or externally to a lack of hope?

If Romans 7 is described as a wrestle within and Romans 8 is learning to rest in the wrestle (w’rest’le), which chapter do you think you relate to more today?

Read Romans 8:1-17. How have you or how are you learning to live life in the Spirit?

Read Romans 8:18-25. Where do you find hope for your journey in this passage?

Read Romans 8:26-30. Is there a time where you experienced spiritual growth, being conformed further to the image of Jesus, through suffering or weakness?

What do you think about the Spirit of God interceding on your behalf?

Read Romans 8:31-39. Rest in who God is and who you are in Him!

Allow Romans 15:13 to bless you and keep you in His hope!