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May 2, 2021: 2 Samuel 6:1–22

Read 1 Samuel 18.1-8. How do you see God’s love portrayed in this text? How do you see God at work? What, if any, of the text is hard to reconcile?

Verse 1 says, “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” In your own words, describe this kind of relationship. How does this relationship inspire you?

Jonathan was a warrior in his own right. Read 1 Samuel 14.1-14. How do you see Jonathan’s courage and initiative? Describe the relationship between Jonathan and his armor bearer.

Who in your life is with you, “heart and soul”? Who are you with “heart and soul”?

What’s the biggest battle you are currently fighting? How have you shared this battle with another?

What’s the biggest hindrance in inviting another into your battle?

What happens to a person when they battle alone? How do these two stories of Jonathan encourage you to continue to invite others in?

Read 1 Samuel 23.15-18. How does Jonathan act toward David, in love?

Read David’s tribute to Jonathan in 2 Samuel 1.25-27. Describe the intimacy David and Jonathan shared. How can intimacy be present in a relationship without the relationship being sexual? Describe.

Read the words of Jesus in John 15.13, and Matthew 22.36-40. How do you see the way Jonathan lived and loved in these verses?

Who is your Jonathan? For whom do you lay your life down? How are you growing to love yourself, and to love your neighbor as yourself?