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June 20, 2021: Mystery In The Making | Ephesians 3:1-13

By June 20, 2021June 23rd, 2021In Christ - Ephesians

In Ephesians 1:3-8, what stands out to you as evidence of love from God our Father? Take time to make a list that you can tuck in your Bible.

Do you like mystery or are you a person that likes answers? How do you feel about the mysteries of our God? Discuss.

What is the mystery that Paul is revealing in Ephesians 3?

Lets talk about the 3 parts to this gospel mystery…

  • Prisoner: Read Ephesians 3:1-5
    • At the beginning of the letter, Paul refers to himself as an apostle of Christ, so why does he change to prisoner of Christ?
    • In Paul’s life, he has been a prisoner to many, so what does it mean that Paul is physically in prison, yet is a prisoner of Christ?
    • Is there something in your life that you feel you are a prisoner to?  What would it do in your life if you claimed to be a prisoner of Christ even though there are areas in your life trying to keep you in shackles?
  • Plan and Purpose: Read Ephesians 3:6-11
    • In the NLT translation, the word “both” is used 3 times…why is this word so important when talking about the mystery of the good news of the gospel?
    • In this season, we have experienced division as a nation like never before. Do you sometimes feel like we forget to think about the word “both” when we look at other believers? How are we treating those that are in the family of God?
    • God’s purpose was to use the church…What do you think that means? How are we as a church displaying the wisdom to “the angels in heaven”?
  • Presence: Read Ephesians 3:12
    • “Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” – Ephesians 3:12
    • Do you believe this? Do you feel bold and confident when you enter into His presence? Why or why not.