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October 3, 2021: Hidden Power | Luke 13.18-21

By October 3, 2021October 4th, 2021Stories Worth Living

Read Luke 13:18-21.

As we study the parables of Jesus, we continue to be reminded of the power of stories. What is a story that has been especially impactful for you in your life?

Jesus addresses a question that people were asking about him. What is a question that has been on your mind that you would want Jesus to address for you?

When you hear the term, “Kingdom of God,” what comes to mind?

“Kingdom” language is referenced over 125 times in the gospels and was central to the ministry of Jesus. Why was this so important for Jesus?

The Jewish people were looking for a Messiah to bring about a revolution, but Jesus showed up and compared his kingdom to a mustard seed.  Why do you think Jesus used this picture of his kingdom?

The kingdom that Jesus proclaimed was smaller than people thought and different than the crowds expected, but exactly what they needed. How is this still true for us today?

The second picture Jesus gives connects the kingdom of God to leaven in bread dough. What does this picture tell us about God’s kingdom? How does it encourage you today?

Take a look at Luke 13 and see how these two parables are located in the center. Luke is pointing to current events and current power structures that contrasted with the kingdom that Jesus came proclaiming. What current events/issues in your life threaten to marginalize the importance of God’s kingdom?

The kingdom of God is based on seemingly small things.  How does the enemy also leverage small things to undermine what Jesus came to do?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. As a member of God’s kingdom, how has God invited you to participate in what Jesus came to do?

How will your life look different this week as you live with an awareness of the reality of God’s kingdom?

Pray that God would open your eyes to see the presence of the kingdom of God in your life.