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January 23, 2022: A Man of Integrity – Genesis 39.1-23; John 6:60-61

What are the most frequent promises in the Bible? Note the promise and the reference. 

What is the most repeated promise in the Bible? Read the verses below and answer the questions that follow: 

  • Joshua 1.9
  • Psalm 23.4
  • Isaiah 41.10
  • Matthew 1.23
  • John 1.14
  • Matthew 28.20
  • John 14.16-17

Which of these promises encourage you? 

Which promise do you hold most tightly? 

How have you seen these promises be fulfilled? 

How do you sense God “with you” today? 

Read Genesis 37 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this story? 

Where in Scripture do we first see God bless His creation? 

How have you experienced God’s blessing in your life? 

What and who does God bless through Joseph? What and who does God bless through you? 

How does Joseph resist the temptation of anger, judgment, and bitterness toward his family? 

How does Joseph resist the temptation of sexual sin? 

Reread Genesis 39.7. Describe the context of Joseph’s response. 

Read Psalm 51.1-4. How is David’s confession similar to Joseph’s response? 

How is your view of sin similar to Joseph’s and David’s? How does it differ? 

In Luke’s Gospel, we read these words, “When Satan was done tempting Jesus that he left him until he had an opportune time.” Where else was Jesus tempted? What was the “opportune time” for temptation? 

When and where are you most tempted? When do you sense you are most susceptible to sin? What is the “opportune time”? 

Read 1 Corinthians 10.13. How does this text encourage you as you consider temptation? 

The last verses of Chapter 39 find Jospeh experiencing blessing in prison. How so? 

How does the story of Joseph encourage you? How do you sense God’s being with you in the here and now? 

Scripture tells us over and over again that God longs to be with us. How are you organizing your life in such a way that you are being with God? 

Read and reflect on 1 Corinthians 13.12-13. Give God praise for His presence with you now, and His eternal promised presence.