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To be the manifest presence of Christ in the neighborhood and nations

Sanctuary Outreach Partners

Mercy Street Ministries

Mercy Street, in partnership with Sunrise Ministries, is dedicated to bringing freedom to Whosoever by the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit through Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical healing. Sanctuary partners with Mercy Street in local community outreach, prayer ministry, interventions, and helping individuals out of homelessness and addiction.

God's Warriors

God’s Warriors is a team of men and women who inspire and mentor young people in their walk with Christ.

We use weightlifting and feats of strength to inspire and teach the power that Christ has in our lives.


Local Schools - Hayes & LMMS


Sanctuary shares the love of Christ through mentorship, staff meals, festivals, reading programs and support during Thanksgiving and Christmas each year to the staff as well as students.


Throughout the year Sanctuary offers opportunities to bless the faculty and staff by providing breakfast and gifts that express the love of Christ. In additions we support their students and families during Thanksgiving and Christmas season.


Blue Skies Ministries

Our mission is to bring the hope of Christ to families living through the challenges of pediatric cancer so that children who are sick will laugh and play and feel “normal” again; that siblings, who often compete with cancer, will feel cherished and get to have uninterrupted family fun; that moms and dads will grow strong and begin lifelong friendships with others on Kindred Journeys; and, most importantly, that everyone at Blue Skies will experience the love of our Heavenly Father.


Sunrise Ministries

Sunrise, in partnership with Mercy Street Ministries, focuses on healing and restoring lives broken because of exploitation, abuse and trauma through the power of Jesus Christ. Sanctuary partners with Sunrise by joining their outreach teams to bring the love of Jesus to local motels, hospitals, and the streets as well as various service projects throughout the year.

“As you go, make disciples.”

Matthew 28.18-20

BOLIVIA - Drs. Placido & Toni Mercado

Raphá Bolivia exists to see self-sustaining, indigenous and rural communities flourish by virtue of the well-being of their individual members.  Raphá (from the Hebrew) means “The Lord who heals.”   Drs. Placido & Toni Mercado are focusing on medicine as and for ministry.  Through Raphá they support national leaders and lay people who are committed to organic, grass roots holistic growth.  Since Covid, their ministry has shifted as their medical training is constantly needed. They continue to be committed to discipleship, addressing felt need, and encouraging individuals to flourish and live out God’s love in their communities.


CAMBODIA - Dr. Felipe Castro, Pastor Paul Tabanao, Pastor Sihok and Saving Susan Ministry

Dr. Felipe Castro and his family head up Solid Rock Academy, an orphanage and school in Kampong Thom. This ministry provides feeding centers where local children can hear the Gospel and receive a hot meal twice a week.

Pastors Paul Tabanao and his family have 4 churches in the Phnom Penh area, a dumpsite ministry and a Bible College for equipping young pastors and leaders.

Pastor Sihok Soeurn and his family oversee 3 local churches in Phnom Penh, and is devoted to discipling and raising up new pastors and church planters. He also ministers to and evangelizes in several area dumpsites, as well as overseeing a school at one of the dumpsites.

Saving Susan Ministry elevates orphan care in developing countries through local Christian partnerships. They partner each child with a loving Christian family, enrich their education, and support them holistically on their path to fulfilling God’s will for their lives.


ETHIOPIA - Rudy & Katie Gleason

Because of Kennedy is a non-profit organization that exists to care for orphans and empower the vulnerable in Ethiopia while demonstrating faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Because of Kennedy is a Christ-centered organization that partners with US and Ethiopian-based churches and non-profit organizations to accomplish the following:

1. Serve orphans and vulnerable children by providing basic needs such as food, clean water, education, clothing, appropriate living conditions, and medical care.
2. Strive to empower guardians of orphans and vulnerable children living in their community with entrepreneurial and vocational training to become self-supportive, ultimately enabling them to provide for the basic needs and education for their family.
3. Provide Christian evangelism and discipleship, in partnership with Ethiopian churches, leading people in growing relationships with Jesus Christ.
4. Partner with US-based churches to provide discipleship opportunities for their congregation through global missions.


DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Camilo & Karla Garcia

Our partners Camilo, Karla and Marcelo Garcia oversee “La Misión,” a non-denominational Christian ministry in the capital city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. “La Misión” is the result of Christians partnering together to share the Gospel to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Their vision is to see people’s lives transformed by the love of Christ, grounded in the Word and passionately serving Jesus in this nation and the world. Their mission is to spread the love of God in the communities where they live, work, study, and congregate; making disciples for Jesus Christ through faithful teaching of the Bible, training of local missionaries, and church planting.

The evangelistic work of “La Misión” is carried out throughout the city while maintains outreach efforts and local mission in surrounding towns and impoverished communities. A strong component of “La Misión” is the concept of helping local Christians become missionaries in their own country. This is achieved by constant training in discipleship programs, as well as community development programs in alliance with other organizations and missionaries. In addition to weekly home-based Bible studies and classes, the church gathers once a week on Sunday mornings for new believers’ Bible class followed by the main worship service.


PERU - Pepe and Erin Acat

The mission of Living Missions Peru is to reach communities in Peru with the Gospel of Christ through long-term partnerships with North American churches and local churches in Peru. They believe that short-term mission trips are effective and fruitful when they are part of a long-term investment and relationship. Through LMP’s long-term relationships with local churches in Peru, short-term mission teams have an opportunity to serve in local ministries and contribute to meaningful projects that expand beyond the scope of their short-term trip. In addition to sharing the Gospel, LMP seeks to improve quality of life in communities through the local church with projects to target improvements in education, nutrition, and family relationships. (James 2:14-18)