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May 1, 2022: Romans 8.5-11

Read Romans 8 incarnationally and consider the following questions:

  • What portion of this passage ministers most deeply to you?
  • What confuses you?
  • What questions come to mind?
  • How do you see the Trinity at work in this passage?
  • Where do you sense the Spirit at work in your life today?

Review vs. 5-8. Note the contrasts in the text. What is Paul’s primary point in describing such contrasts?

What is your mind set upon? Describe a time when your mind was set on things of the flesh. Describe the contrast by giving an example of a time when your mind was set on the Spirit.

Review vs. 9-11. How is the Holy Spirit evidence of your conversion from death to life? What’s your testimony of how the Spirit brings evidence to new life in Christ? What’s your testimony of how the Spirit brings evidence to new life in Christ today?

Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan and consider the following questions.

  • How have you been tempted to want to “justify yourself”?
  • How has the Spirit led you to give up your right to be right?
  • What happens to our “rights” when we are fully led by the Spirit?
  • As you consider the story of the Good Samaritan, how do you see the parallel in the Spirit leading you?
  • In what ways have you experienced the Spirit leading you to care for others, to be an agent of healing in the life of others?
  • What about you, how has the Spirit led you to be cared for, to allow others to care for you?
  • When was the last time you were led to ask for meaningful help?

Spend some time intentionally rehearsing the Spirit’s work in your life, then rest. Rest in the ongoing work of the Spirit.

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