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May 8, 2022: Romans 8.12-17

By May 8, 2022May 10th, 2022Indwell: A Study on the Holy Spirit

1. Read Romans 8:12-17. What stands out to you?  What do you notice in this passage?

2. What confuses you?

3. What questions come to mind?

4. How would you define “sin”? Discuss.

5. Are there areas in your life that the Spirit moved you to put to death? What does it look like for us to put to death our sin?

6. Why is it so important that we put our sin to death? And how does humility play a part in this?

7.  What are specific ways that you have found to put sin to death and follow the Spirit?

8. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. What stands out to you in this passage? What is Paul trying to communicate?

9. What would it look like for us to fully live in our adopted name as children of God?

10. Do you see the Holy Spirit as proof of your adoption in your life?  How have you seen that?

11. What does it mean for us to “share in His sufferings” and “share in His glory”?

12. What questions do you have from Sunday’s message?

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