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May 15, 2022: Romans 8.18-27

1. Read Romans 8.18-27. What does this text say about God’s character? How does it help you know the grace of God? How do you see God’s love in action in the text? 

2. Paul is writing this letter from prison. At the beginning of this section Paul references suffering. What kind of suffering is Paul addressing? 

3. When have you, or do you, suffer with Christ? When have you or do you suffer for Christ? 

4. Paul writes in verse 18, our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. In your own words describe the “glory that will be revealed” in you. 

5. Who suffers with you? With whom do you suffer? How has God used suffering in your transformation process? 

6. Reflect on Romans 8.20-21 and answer the following questions. Why is creation frustrated? Who is responsible for subjecting it to frustration?Who will bring it into “freedom and glory”? How does this verse give an apologetic for natural disasters? 

7. Read Psalm 19.1-4. In the midst of a fallen world, how does creation still declare the glory of God? 

8. What does Paul mean by saying “we who have the first fruits of the Spirit?” 

9. Read Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians 12.7-10 and answer the following questions.What is the overarching message of Paul’s testimony? How does weakness translate to strength? Why doesn’t God take away something that “torments” Paul? How have you seen God work by saying “no” to a prayer you’ve desperately prayed? 

10. Reflect on Romans 8.26-27 and  answer the following questions. How does this passage proclaim the Good News of Jesus? What does it mean to you that the Spirit prays in accordance with God’s will? In your own words define “intercession.” For whom do you regularly stand in God’s presence? How do you sense the Spirit is interceding for you today? 

11. Where and what in your life today causes you to groan? Who joins you in those spaces of groaning? How do you believe the Spirit is interceding for you right now? 

12. Read and reflect on Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3.14-21

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