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From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 4:17

TESTIMONY: (Written by Katie Jones)

A year ago I would have honestly taken this verse as a threat to my being. It would bring an anxious pit in my stomach; it would force me to examine my life and stir up heartache because of the broken relationship I had with God. Before I had my prodigal daughter return, repentance was heavy on my mind. It haunted me. It was something I strived for, but regardless of how hard I tried to turn away from my sin, I just couldn’t. I came up short every single time. I lived in fear of “the kingdom of heaven” and especially of Christ’s return. I became very fluent in the passages of scripture that condemned me. I was under the impression that God would abandon me if I couldn’t somehow fix myself and change my sinful ways. My main motive for repentance was fear. I remember being so heartbroken over wanting to repent, but oftentimes not feeling qualified to even say the words.

Then I met Jesus.

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” Matthew 4:15

In January 2022, I came to the end of my rope. I was exhausted from trying. I had heard testimonies of other people being delivered from sin, and I couldn’t understand how God would do it for them, yet wouldn’t do it for me. Eventually, I reached out to the church in desperation, and Jesus extended His hand to me through Heather. I began the journey of discipleship, and Jesus revealed His heart to me along the way. The most pivotal moment was realizing that there is no fear in love. I learned more of God’s unconditional love for me, and I finally realized that I am loved just as I am. God is not chasing me with punishment – He is pursuing me with love. There is no reason to fear because my debt has already been paid. I don’t have to strive to measure up or fix the mess I’ve made. The cross is for me, and it is enough for ALL my sin – past, present, and future.

Knowing and accepting God’s loving-kindness led me to true repentance. I now see this verse as an invitation rather than a threat. Jesus is inviting us into a relationship with Him as He walks alongside us as our resurrected Savior. His invitation is to freedom – a life without shame, fear, or condemnation. Repentance for me is the sound of chains breaking. I choose to accept Jesus’ invitation to repent in response to resting in the love He has for me.


  1. What brings you to repentance?
  2. Have you fully embraced your identity as His beloved?
  3. What stirs in your heart as you think of the kingdom of heaven?


Jesus, I stand amazed by your unconditional love for us. The way you pursue us, time after time, shows the depth of your heart. As we turn from our sin and fix our eyes on you, help us to see your grace and forgiveness in a new light. I pray your love would penetrate our innermost being as we set aside this time to reflect on your sacrifice. May it lead us to a place of repentance in response to receiving your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

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