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“When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

TESTIMONY: (Written by Sherrie Escoe)

Jesus had compassion. I had to stop and think – what is compassion? Is it love, empathy, kindness? It is those things, but it’s much more. Compassion is the feeling that arises within us when we learn of someone’s suffering AND are motivated to do something. The word literally means to suffer together.

 As I reflect on the words of Jesus, I realize I completely underestimate the personal aspect of His compassion. Yes, He has compassion for my family, my friends, and my pastor, but compassion for me? Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowds? Not because they were doing or even trying, which is like the idea of control- a continuous doing, a means to move things in the direction I want them to go. No, He had compassion because they were harassed and helpless. I can relate to feeling harassed and helpless. I feel it more often than I want to admit. Jesus’ desire is for us to come to Him. He promises rest. It also gives way for Him to work out our suffering in the best way.

The next time you feel tired, worried, or even abandoned, rememberGod’s compassion. You are known by your Creator. He actively orchestrates all things for your good. He’s already shown us His perfect and ultimate display of compassion in Jesus. He gave His life as the payment for our transgressions, and He’s created an eternal life so incredible, we can’t even grasp its wonder. So, as we wait in our weakness, let’s remember God is with us. He knows you and showers His compassion on you every day. Let’s actively look for it, receive it, and pass it on.


  1. How have you experienced God’s compassion?
  2. Where are opportunities for you to show compassion for others, to suffer together?
  3. What are some ways you can be still and accept God’s unlimited faithfulness?


Abba Father, Because You love us – the helpless ones – we are not consumed. I’m incredibly grateful your compassions are unlimited. They are brand new every morning I wake up; not because of anything I do or feel, but because of Your great faithfulness to me. Your unfailing love is too much for me to grasp. Help me to live in your faithfulness.

In Jesus,

Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

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