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April 23, 2023 | Shared Suffering, Shared Life

By April 23, 2023April 24th, 2023The Letters To The Thessalonians

Our current teaching series is entitled The Letters To The Thessalonians. In this study Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians are some of our earliest existing writings in the New Testament. As such, they offer a unique glimpse into some of the most pressing issues as the Gospel began to spread across the ancient world. How do believers respond when their faith is a minority perspective and are suffering persecution?

What does genuine holiness look like? Is life after death truly worth believing in, and what does it look like? Will Jesus actually make good on His promise to come back?

These enduring questions and more run throughout these two brief letters, and in this eight-week study, you’ll be introduced to Paul’s inspired response. Discover how the Gospel of Jesus will give you the strength you need as you eagerly await His promised return to make our world right again.

Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20

1. What does this text say about God’s character?

2. What does it tell you of the nature of God?

3. How do you see God’s love prevailing?

4. How does the text speak most personally to you? 

Imagine God is calling you to be a missionary in a country where Christians are persecuted.

5. What emotions would you experience?

6. Would your family and friends encourage you or discourage you from living to please God?

7. How would you respond?

Think of a time someone’s behavior undermined their Christian witness.

8. What could they have done to strengthen their witness instead?

9. What are one or two specific things you can do that will commend the good news to others?

10. What areas in your life are lived to please someone other than God?

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