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November 26, 2023

By November 26, 2023November 29th, 2023Promised & True

All of God’s promises are true, but so often we can lose sight of what has been promised. Over
the next few weeks, we are going to dig into five promises that God gives us in the book of
Isaiah. As we remember what God has promised we will be reminded that each of these
promises are true and can significantly impact our lives today.
This week we discussed God’s Promise of God’s Victory.

What comes to mind when you think about God’s promise of ultimate victory?

Read Isaiah 54:16-17. What catches your attention as you read these verses?

What does it mean to you to be reminded that “no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment”?

On Sunday, Rudy pointed to the baptism of Jesus and the subsequent temptation of Jesus as examples of the two voices that speak into our lives (Matthew 3:13-4:3).

How have you experienced the voice of God’s blessing in your life?

How have you experienced the voice of the enemy speaking lies to you?

Galatians 5:22-23 gives us the fruit of the Spirit, and on Sunday, we discussed these and the opposites of the fruit of the Spirit. How can use the fruit of the Spirit to identify God’s voice as opposed to the voice of the enemy?

In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul describes the battle we are all engaged in and the armor that we have access to through God. How does this passage remind you of your active role in listening for God’s voice and discerning the truth that comes from Him?

Luke 4:31-37 gives us a story where Jesus commands a demon that is in a man to “Be quiet!”

How does it encourage you today to be reminded that God gives you to authority to tell the enemy’s voice to be quiet?

Over the past several weeks in this series, we have talked about the promise of God’s perfect peace, renewed strength, constant presence, divine provision, and ultimate victory.

Which of these promises has been especially encouraging to you?

Our ultimate victory will be found when Jesus returns to take us home, but we can live in victory today knowing that no weapon and no word that comes against us will win. Celebrate this truth!

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