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Welcome to the season of Lent. Our first weekly devotional will be posted on Sunday, February 18th.

Have you ever slept for a long time and woke up thinking, “I had no idea how tired I was”? Sometimes we are aware of our limitations and our needs, and other times we move through life unaware of how we are being impacted by our human limitations.  Each year, leading up to Easter we have been given the gift of the season of Lent. For many centuries the church has used Lent to remember how much each of us needs Jesus.  Over the years there have been many practices added to the observation of Lent, but at its core is a focus on our need for repentance. Lent is an opportunity for us to say, “I forgot how desperate I really am for Jesus.”

Our desire at Sanctuary is to intentionally make room for God to work in our hearts and transform us to be more like Jesus.  Easter is a day of incredible celebration as we rejoice in the empty tomb and a Savior who has defeated death. In our busy lives where the urgent fights to displace the important, it can be easy to wake up on Easter morning and miss the work that God desires to do in us leading up to this day of celebration. A deeper appreciation for our need for Jesus will heighten our joy and celebration on Easter for what Jesus has accomplished for us.

Before there could be life, there was death. Before there was victory, there was hopeless defeat. Before there was rejoicing, there was separation. Before there was light, there was a deep darkness. The season of Lent invites us to sit in our humanity and come face to face with the reality of our need for forgiveness. Lent reminds us of our deep need for repentance.

Over the next several weeks leading up to Easter, we are going to look at six reasons that Jesus came.  As we look at these “I have come” statements, it is our prayer that our appreciation for why Jesus came will grow as we are reminded of how much we need Jesus. These weeks will remind us of where we would be if Jesus had not come, and hopefully move us to deeper worship because He did come!

Each Sunday a short devotional will be posted here and we invite you to read and reflect on your deep need for Jesus.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Worship with us this Lent season on Spotify or Amazon Music.

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