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What’s your favorite sandwich? Why?
Mark is going to use the “sandwich” literary device 6 times in his gospel 3:20-35; 5:21–43; 6:7–31; 11:12–26; 14:1–11, 27–52
Read Mark 3:20-35
What did you learn about Jesus in this text? What questions do you have?
The power of Jesus was evident through His miracles, so the religious leaders decided to
challenge the source of His power. What does this reveal about their hearts and motives?
Have you ever been accused of the opposite of what you intended?
Jesus is God and is being accused of working with Satan. Why was Jesus so frustrated by this?
What does this text show us about the identity of Jesus?
How does it further affirm Mark’s desire for his readers to see Jesus as the Son of God?
What do we learn about the mission of Jesus? (Mark 3:27)
Read Isaiah 49:24-26 and 1 John 3:8
When we read Mark 3:28-30, it can sound confusing. What about these verses is encouraging and/or troubling to you?
The job of the Holy Spirit is to testify to the identity of Jesus, so to reject Jesus is to “blaspheme against the Holy Spirit”
The only unforgivable sin is the sin of rejecting Jesus, the only one who can give forgiveness.
Read Revelation 1:17-18 and 1 John 5:18
How does it encourage you to see that Jesus holds the keys and the evil one can’t touch you?
How do we see Jesus inviting us to join Him in pushing back evil and darkness in this passage?
Read Romans 12:21
Jesus showed us that sacrificial love was the only way to conquer death and give life. How does that help us understand how Jesus is inviting us to join Him in His work today?
What is an example of how you can overcome evil with good in your life?
Jesus reminds us that His true followers, His family, do two things: they sit at His feet and do the will of God.
What does it look like for you to do these two things this week?

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