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This week we jump ahead in our study of Mark to look at the story of Palm Sunday.
What comes to mind when you think of Palm Sunday?
Read Mark 11:1-1
What jumps out to you?
What questions do you have about this passage?
What would you have been thinking if you were one of the disciples Jesus asked to go get a colt from a nearby village?
Why was the fact that Jesus requested a “colt” significant?
How does Zechariah 9:9 speak to what Jesus fulfilled here?
What was significant about the colt being “unridden”?
How does it encourage you to see that things happened exactly how Jesus said they would happen?
How have you seen God’s promises come true in your life?
On Sunday we looked at 3 perspectives:
#1: The Crowd: The people looked at Jesus with honor, excitement, humility, and praise.
#2: The Disciples: The disciples looked on with wonder, expectation, and anxiety.
#3: Jesus: Jesus knew this is how it was supposed to be, but he also knew this wasn’t how it was going to be.
Which one do you relate to most today?
What is your perspective on what Jesus has come to do in your life today?
One week can change everything… what does Jesus want to change in your life this week as we
move toward Easter?
What do you need Jesus to save you from today?
Reminder: Don’t forget to download the EasterNow App for real-time reminders of what Jesus did as he journeyed toward the cross.

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